Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chorus Of Noises

My mornings in the DR in the long term would take some getting used to. There is a little bird and a lizard that live in the enormous tree outside my window. A little bird that chirps its high pitched chirp, till no freagin' end. "Chirp , Chirp , Chirp , freagin' Chirp!" I've never wished harm on a animal but if ever one deserves to die its that little bird. Does it not have other little bird friends to chirp with? Why doesn't it get hungry? It's not a baby bird... I daydream of opening fire with a submachine gun, devouring the branches with the bullets , some ricocheting off the side of the building until bird no freagin' more ... The lizard is quiet but he freaks me out when I find him chilling behind the curtain on the window like one of those Garfield suction cup dolls. In between and before that maniac bird chirping and my Lizard friend, is the 2 am , 4am and 5 am rooster crow. The F'r lives a few houses down but you'd think he's in the same room with you. Then there are the dogs barking. I swear, dogs bark in this country like they're cheering at some kind of dog Super Bowl. Then there is the cleaning lady who lives in the house next door who has the worst singing voice I have ever heard. If Rafael Trujillo was alive and heard her, he'd use her as some kind of torturing device. On top there is a baby next door who's cry sounds like a gargoyle or some sh!t... It's the weirdest cry I ever heard... Its like she's gargling and crying at the same time ... These long gargling , baby crying, gargoyle like sounds... Every night I've gotten home , not sober and have to deal with this chorus of noises. So I wake up half asleep and have to then deal with a cold ass shower. The Dominicans do not believe in hot water. Every morning I have to pump myself up before I jump in that icicle chamber. My heart races and I will myself in like an Olympic ski jumper, let out a few screams and grunts, wash my body in a shivering motion. All and all though this is a beautiful country.

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